4moms Breeze Giveaway

There is a small handful of brands that David and I are "all in" about.  Apple is one.  4moms is another.  The Breeze was the first product of 4moms I ever encountered and I was all "wait. what?! how? yes!!" about it.  Then, right before Henry arrived we jumped all in into the 4moms world.  We have loved our rockaroo + mamaroo and the origami stroller.  Similar to our draw to Apple products, efficiency, innovation, + atheistic are the names of the game.

Make sure to check out the little video short at the bottom of this post.  I could try to explain to you why this 4moms playard is given the name "Breeze," but you might have to see it to believe it.  But right now, take a minute to think about what you hate about your pack-n-play and then think about what you wish it could be like... chances are, you have been dreaming about the Breeze without even knowing it existed.  Happy dance time!

Our Breeze mostly hangs out in our living room - between our sitting area and dinning table.  We have a very open floor plan so little guy can see everyone and not be underfoot.  He is quite the mover (I think he will walk soon) so I love the size of the Breeze.  He can wiggle and crawl and cruise around without feeling that he has totally lost his freedom or view of the world.  

Check out my (very amateur) video below to see the magic for yourself.  You can also check out all the specifics and details about size and design of The Breeze on the 4moms site.

Okay.... drumroll... giveaway time!!  Enter using the rafflecopter below!  Not a mom of a little one?  Dude -- enter anyway!!  Make a friend's day (or year) and gift it to them if you win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a few side notes:
*all art & table made by my husband
*I was given a breeze by 4moms for review, but all opinions are my own. 
*if you can find the baby shoe in these pictures you get a high five!
  some affiliate links used.


  1. Patience is crucial but totally worth it!

  2. The best advice I have had is to not worry over the little messes and be more involved with my children.

  3. To sleep when your baby sleeps!!:)

  4. You'll never be perfect, but you will always be their mom!

  5. listen to your instincts.

  6. I love it. I want! P.S. I miss you

  7. "Whoever introduces your child to a subject will become the authority on that and they will always go back to that person if they have questions on that specific subject. So be sure it is you the parent talking with your kids about life and you will be the authority not their peers." I have found this to be so true.

  8. Try to be understanding and honest with your children!

  9. to do your own research and make your own best decision

  10. Best advice was to do what you know is best for your child!

  11. Would love to win this! This would be perfect for our trip to SF!

  12. Someone told me to trust my gut and do what I thought was best for my baby. Perfect advice!

  13. Don't stress over the little things they won't remember such as birthday parties. It is the time spent with them that matters!

  14. "train a child up in the way they should go and they will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6

  15. Best advice i've received is that there is no perfect mom so stop comparing to other moms!

  16. You know your children best - so no matter the books your read or the advice you receive, follow your heart.

  17. Cherish every moment!

  18. Your children and family always come first ♡

  19. include numbers in your everyday life.

  20. relax and trust your instincts!

  21. Don't be afraid to ask for help but do what feels right for you in the end

  22. If you can stay home do it, they are only little once!

  23. Caring for children takes patience and love and is worth every minute of it!

  24. They're only little once so don't sweat the small stuff.

  25. Patience is key. I was a nanny for several years and that alone taught me about patience and showing love even when they were not being particularly lovable.

  26. I've always been told to have patience & try to stay calm when you need to discipline and not get frustrated!

  27. Momma knows best. Always trust your gut.

  28. Paitence is a virtue.

  29. Don't try to be perfect.. Do what feels right to you and right for your baby and always trust yourself

  30. You only have 1 chance.


  31. You know your babies best. That's why you were chosen to be their mama and nobody else. Follow your instincts and trust your gut and you can't go wrong. :)

  32. Enjoy every minute! They grow too fast!

  33. My dad said to me that if he had known that I would've turn out so well, he wouldn't have worried so much. So sweet and a good reminder to enjoy their sweetness.

  34. Sleeping when baby sleeps when you have a newborn!

  35. It's okay to now know what you're doing. No one knows everything!

  36. Whenever motherhood gets really hard and challenging, it means you're a great mother and you're doing it right.

  37. Listen to your children. Would love to win this for a gift!

  38. This would be great for visiting the grandparents!

  39. Slow down and enjoy the moments, they don't stay little for long.

  40. enjoy them while they are little because it goes fast!

  41. I have three boys, patience is the key

  42. Always listen to even the littlest things your children say. :)

  43. Listen you your children and spend time with them!

  44. Know that you're doing the best you can and let them be little!

  45. Always go with your gut....

  46. The best advice I am learning is that to teach your kids to have respect, if they will not respect you they will not respect other. Jennifer Zafarino-Griffiths

  47. ...Genuinely CARE!... 1000% put them first,.. Always because if they can't count on you to protect them, who else is there?

  48. I have been drooling over the Breeze for months now. It's simple and easy to use - everything a parent needs. Great giveaway. Thank you for the chance!
    The days are long but the years are quick - cherish those little moments.

  49. Trust your gut, you are their Mom and you know best!

  50. You are the mom do what feels right to you!

  51. Just love your baby :)

  52. If you are in a relationship...stand back & let your partner help you. Talk about how you want to parent your child as a team!

  53. Love them even when they have meltdowns

  54. Jennifer Michelle Ora KreislerJuly 2, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    Teach them how to think and make good decisions. Don't just decide for them.

  55. Rely on the grace of the Lord!

  56. Trust your mommy gut!

  57. The most important thing to your child is your time and attention. They don't need a million toys, a million craft activities, etc. Just your love and your time!

  58. They are individuals meeting different milestones. Don't ever compare your baby's growth with another baby!

  59. They are individuals meeting different milestones. Don't ever compare your baby's growth with another baby!

  60. The best advice I have been given is to remember moms have been raising children for years and the "right thing to do" has changed 1000 times. Just do what feels right to you and for your baby!

  61. The best advice I've been given is "your mother's intuition is the one thing that will get you through every obstacle, nobody knows your baby better than you do"

  62. Remember their age, don't expect the little ones to do it right the first time or to remember everything you say, they're kids!

  63. Best advice I've heard is to relax and don't be afraid to ask questions.

  64. It will get easier and harder at the same time!

  65. Enjoy each baby stage as much as posible. Babies don't keep! :)

  66. To not stress. When I had my little on in January I was literally freaking out and stressing about everything, then I realized that all she needed was lots of love. Once I let myself relax I began to really connect and the rest is history!

  67. trust your own instincts, no one knows your baby like you do

  68. Not to worry about everything. Just relax and enjoy your children!

  69. Have patience! Nothing happens overnight.

  70. Do what's best for your family. What others think doesn't matter.

  71. Two things really... as long as you do your best, you're a good mom. Secondly, everyone will offer you advice. Smile and pick and choose what you want and ignore the rest. There's no one way to parent.

  72. All children are different.

  73. My best advice is go with the flow!

  74. my name is tammi/james is the hubs..the baby shoe is in the window seal!! I want this so bad!

  75. Don't be your child's friend, be his/her parent.

  76. Be consistent in your parenting. If you are going to have a tight rule system, keep it tight, or if you are more lax, keep it that way. The child will know what is expected of them and their behavior will reflect this.

  77. Patients !! It is so easy to get frustrated with children when they ask over and over how to do things. You just have to remember that they are learning and that it takes repetition before it sinks in. But when it does it is so worth it to see the excitement on their faces when they do something all by themselves successfully :)

  78. Cindy B (on rc/fb) Best advice I think I've received is don't worry about how other people say you should do things.

  79. Enjoy "this" while it lasts. I'm loving every minute!!

  80. The best advice I ever got about raising children was to "not listen to any others advice, put down all the books about parenting, and just follow your heart with ALOT of patience! "

  81. Just relax. They feed off your energy.

  82. haven't really had a chance to put any advice to practice yet! i'm due with my first in november, so i'm still TBD on the best advice i've received... thanks for this awesome giveaway! i would looove to win one of these!

  83. Preg with our first and would LOVE to win a Breeze!!!

  84. Be patient and always show love!

  85. Every stage is a rough transition. Do what is best for you and your baby at the time.

  86. Trust your extinct and go with your gut feeling. I had a rough time a few months back with my new baby and being so worried and paranoid something was wrong, but I've learned to read him so much better now and instinctively care for him.

  87. No task is more important than your child. Always choose making memories over checking off your endless to-do list (Miriam Matheny, mkkasarda@yahoo.com)

  88. To enjoy every single moment! They grow up too fast!

  89. Honestly the advice I've received is to stop taking advice and do what works best for you! So many mothers love to tell you what works best and although it may have worked for them and their child, it might not work for you! Trust your instincts as a mom and know that whatever you do you'll have the best intentions for your child.

  90. The pediatrician told me at one of my baby's first appointments and I'll never forget it...no baby ever died from crying

  91. Follow your own advice when it comes to raising your children. No two child are alike. What works for one parent might not work for the other.

  92. Mother knows best!

  93. Best advice would be enjoy them they grow sooo fast!!!

  94. I need one of these in my life!!

  95. Sleep when your baby sleeps

  96. At the end of the day, you're the mom and you know what is best for your child, so follow your gut. -Ashley N

  97. Listen to other's advice, but in the long run, do what feels best for you and your little ones.

  98. Follow through.

  99. Remember to have fun! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  100. The best advice I heard was "savor every moment, they grow too fast". It's true our daughter just turned 2 and time does not slow down. We're welcoming baby #2 in August and we're making sure we enjoy and capture every moment just like we did our first born.

  101. "The days are long, but the years are short."

  102. Moms know best!

  103. I cannot answer that from personal experience as I have very unfortunate to not have children or marriage and never will.... I was in an accident where I was the passenger and driver dozed off and hit a brick building doing 70 mph and my airway was off and I broke my neck now I am paralyzed from the shoulders down. That was when I was 23 and now I am 30... Like this. I will never have a family so I can never answer something like this. Otherwise I would

  104. Sleep when babes sleeps & help is amazing... doesn't mean you suck!

  105. Keep some kind of noise on right after you have the baby so he gets used to it being a little noisy and sleep anytime anywhere

  106. "Let the rope out slowly" -Dad

  107. Laura E. CastilloJuly 2, 2014 at 8:23 PM

    lots of patience!

  108. I would love one of these! Looks like such a wonderful product

  109. Let the baby listen classical music and watch TV everyday to increase their intelligence!
    Thank You

    Fiona N

  110. Just because it works for them,doesn't mean it'll work for you. Do whatever works best for you.

  111. To not wish for the next stage but be present at each stage your child goes through.

  112. Take a lot of pictures because they grow so fast!

  113. how awesome is this giveaway! we just got the stroller and can't wait to test it out!!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  114. My advice is to enjoy every moment. Time really does go by too quickly. Love on them as much as you can!

  115. Enjoy every minute! They are only this age and dependent for so short!

  116. Take a time out when you get too much going on

  117. I've entered many many times ( June giveaways everyday ) and I didn't win yet but I m still not giving up ;))) really hoping to win:)))

  118. don't tip toe around your baby while they sleep. fingers crossed!

  119. Offer lots of choices but sometimes it's "mommy's choice".


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