daily bread

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"Small gifts wait in quiet places. They hide under piles of daily tasks, waiting to be discovered and celebrated. That's why I think Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread -- not bread to las a life time, but bread to last this day. It was a call to dependence, a call away from self-sufficiency, a call to turn to the Giver, a call to humbly and thankfully receive.
I romanticize the past, longing for its fuzzy memories to rematerialize so I can hold them in my arms again. I wish for the future to hurry up, certain that in its arrival will be peace and promise and finally, rest. This is the day that the Lord has made, yet I long for another. To find the lovely in the ordinary sometimes takes a bit of work, but the more i look for it, the more quickly it shows up."
-emily p. freeman, grace for the good girl
It's not often I finish a book. I love books. I like to have them. I like to get them as gifts. I just never finish a book it seems -- no matter how much I enjoy it. So usually, actually finishing a book takes a good couple/few years of picking it up and putting it down again etc. etc. This is a book I am so glad to have read front to back in one season... in a season that I needed it.
I met Emily, our author, at the Influence Conference. She was the first session I went to & sitting in the middle of her session I texted David that if all I had driven up to Indiana for was to hear what she had to say, then my time had already been well spent. She made me, as one who was created in the image of God -- a divine image barer, feel like an artist with a voice. Not just feel, but believe. She said we should "Listen to our tears." I turned to my blog friend Nat & asked jokingly, "what does it mean if i start crying when she says 'listen to your tears?'" Oh boy. She backed some heat. I wish you had been there. I walked away challenged and profoundly encouraged.
I don't have a crazy story about coming to Jesus. But my redemption is no less miraculous. I didn't have to be saved from a deadly addiction or an abusive relationship, but I needed saving just the same. I don't struggle with sins of murder or adultery, but I need grace no less and deserve it no more than those who do.
Sometimes we don't believe that. We take our role as whatever we perceive it to be and fall into the shadows of those with "bigger stories" to tell. We fall into insecurity, jealousy, pride, shame, fear -- instead of standing in freedom. Because God is graceful, I am free! Free to be myself sans apologies, masks, or stipulations. I have a God who finds pleasure in giving the exceedingly abundant! Do not be afraid little flock, for the Father is pleased to grant you his Kingdom (luke 12:32)!
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Emily, thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions!
ReplyDeleteHow do you go about teaching your daughters about grace? I have a young daughter, and I'm concerned I'm going to set her up to be a "good girl" that focuses on performance while struggling to understand grace. It feels like such a daunting balance when I think about passing this on to kids!
Dear Emily, First - thank you for writing this book and sharing your story. Each chapter forced me to dig deep and really reflect, but it was so worth it. And the end was just pure encouragement to live life in the light of the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear your thoughts about your daughters. Do you talk with them about masks and good girl behavior? Do you notice them wearing masks or is that still down the road as they grow older? I often wonder how we teach our children the big-ness of God and his grace (vs. teaching them to obey and value rules). The picture that has stuck with me is the tiny stream and the big river that your husband stumbled upon while hiking. I want my daughter (and myself) to experience the type of BIG, GRACEFUL life that really comes from God.
xo. Lindsey
Thank you for sharing this journey with us. It's been such a treat.
ReplyDeleteDear Emily, thank you for being vulnerable enough to write this book and share your story. I think I nodded throughout each chapter and said out loud, "that's me."
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear about how you balance "not wearing a mask" and not stepping on toes. I have struggled in sad seasons of life with being vulnerable because I don't want to offend someone else or make them uncomfortable. I guess my question is how do you decide when to be vulnerable and take off the mask and when to just be quiet? I pray about this often, but would also like to hear your thoughts.
I have truly loved your posts about this book. Each one has been eye opening and perfectly needed. I purchased this book, and I hope I read it. ( I'm a lot like you.. love books, never find the time to read them.)But this one seems to be life changing. I need that in my life. I am so grateful for women like you who are such a strong example to a woman like me. Again, thank you for these beautiful posts. I hope you continue this online book club, I'll join in next time!
ReplyDeletemuch love and peace.
-Kiri from www.greentreesredroses.blogspot.com
I've so enjoyed your book, Emily! I can tell each page was a labor of love and the journey it is taking me on is priceless! I've already purchased a copy for one of my dearest friends to read as well!
ReplyDeleteI echo the questions above, thank you for taking time to dialogue with us! In addition, I'd love to hear your recommendations for further reading on the topic of grace or other favorites.
Have you picked the next book?