Mommy Review: Ergo vs. Bjorn vs. Moby
I'm headed out to run a few errands. David is in the middle of a masterpiece and so I am bringing Magnolia with me. Do I bring...

Lets start with C, the Moby Wrap (retail: *$44 - $140)...
What I like about the Moby: It is soft & cozy and conforms to the baby's shape. It is light weight and easy to wash. There are many different ways to wear your baby (although not all of them are suggested by the manufacturer). Mobys are great for sleeping babies who still like to be swaddled. One of my best friend's baby (3 months at the time) slept through an entire 2 hour dinner at a restaurant in the Moby. Both Mom & baby were comfortable & because the Moby is not bulky like some other carriers Mom could move around without disturbing the baby. I also like how the Moby wrap can pull over the side of the baby's head (when baby's cheek is against your chest) to keep baby snug and prevent a wobbly head. The moby is easy to pack to take on a trip and can also fold to go inside of my diaper bag.
What's not my favorite about the Moby: The Moby is a very long piece of fabric and it is easy to get tangled. It definitely takes practice (if it even is possible) to seamlessly put your baby in or take your baby out. I still remember a friend telling me about their "fight" with their Moby in the Target parking lot. If you are already trying to do several things and are in a hurry, the Moby can be really frustrating. Also, no matter how good of a knot tier you are, it does get loose and baby "sags," which requires adjustments. Also, and this is knit picky, there is a lot of fabric left in the knot when you tie behind your back and if you try to sit while still wrapped up the knot makes sitting uncomfortable. (I will say though I have enough fabric to pull around front a second time and tie which solves this problem, but this is not possible when babies or mom's build are bigger). As far as lasting comfort -- carrying Magnolia while shopping for a couple hours results in a back ache. Lastly, the man (at least mine) does not fine the Moby to be something he would like to carry Baby in -- even in a gender neutral green like we have, he does not prefer it.
Carrier B, The Babybjorn (retail: *$80- $180)...
What I like about the babybjorn: We borrowed the Bjorn from a friend when we traveled to California. Magnolia was 3 months old and it worked great for us. You can wear baby facing in or facing out. I liked the tall back that came up behind Magnolia's head. The bjorn has a sleek and efficient design. It packs nicely (can even shove into my diaper bag if needed to). My husband has not minded wearing this one.
What's not my favorite about the babybjorn: With 6 different parts to buckle in (8 for the newborn setting) -- so, again, unless you have practiced a lot, it is not terribly easy and you can get tangled. As of right now (7months) the bjorn, although is not technically too small according to manufacturer specifications, feels too small. No matter what setting we adjust too it feels cramped and I don't feel like it distributes M's weight evenly. While I like it for a smaller baby facing in, the front facing option has not worked well for us. Per manufacturer instructions the arms are to remain through the arm whole and padded front is to be folded down, however, the arm holes are too low and restrict Magnolia's arm movement (pin her shoulders down). We have worn her in the bjorn face forward with arms out on top which is more comfortable, but it is not suggested by bjorn and makes me nervous as M is increasingly squirmy and strong. Also, it is hard to sit down while wearing the bjorn because the way M hangs and because of limited space it is hard for her to pull up her legs to wrap around me.
Carrier A, The Ergo (retail: *$115- $160)...
What I like about the Ergo: It is like wearing a lumbar pack -- it takes the weight off of your shoulders and distributes weight evenly across your core. Baby sits on their bottom with legs wrapped around you similarly to how they would sit if you were holding them without a carrier. There are only two places to buckle. The ergo is tangle free! I don't feel like there is a potential of dropping Magnolia when trying to get her strapped in. I can wear baby for an extended period of time with absolutely no discomfort. We have not gone hiking yet, but feel confident that this carrier would be well suited for such a treck. I like how this pack can be worn on your hip and also on your back. This is my husband's favorite carrier to wear (he even gets excited about wearing it). We have the performance version of the carrier & one of the extra features is a zip pocket. I have loved being able to put my key & credit card in there while out shopping to have a truly hands free experience. The ergo is really easy and comfortable when sitting. I have the most ease taking Magnolia out and transferring her to her car seat.
What's not my favorite about the Ergo: You have to wait to use the ergo when baby is old enough to spread their legs. There is not a baby facing forward option. The ergo is light weight, but a little bulky when traveling. Although it does have a sleeping hood I have not yet found the ergo to be great when baby is sleepy and I am on the go. We just started using this carrier when M was 6 months old so I have no review for the use of an ergo for smaller babies. My baby is big enough to sit in a position with her arms above, however with arms under it feels a little awkward.
So I'll present the question again: I'm headed out to run a few errands. David is in the middle of a masterpiece and so I am bringing Magnolia with me. What do I bring to carry M?...

I have an appreciation for all three of these carriers. They have all been great for us during certain occasions and baby sizes. The Ergo though? I might be in love with it. It is perfect for us at this stage and it is the one carrier I look forward to fitting our needs over the next several months. I feel the Ergo is the most versatile of the three carriers with several ways that both my husband and I can use it. Magnolia is comfortable in it and I don't feel the need to supplement support by constantly having my hand under her bottom. It sounds cheesy, but the Ergo really does give me a boost of mommy confidence & helps me to feel relaxed when I'm in a crowded grocery store with me wee one. I am glad to have all three and will use the moby & bjorn (well the bjorn was borrowed) again with our next children, however I think for Magnolia, we have completely graduated to the Ergo.
disclaimer: I was not compensated in any way by any of the above mentioned manufactures. these opinions are my own and are just that -- opinions. plenty of moms and other caregivers will have other things to say about the matter. I gladly welcome reader feedback. Also, if you have an idea for an item you would like me to review, or if you would like to offer an item to be reviewed on Wild & Precious you can email me by clicking HERE.
*The prices listed are from the manufacturer websites (Amazon is always cheaper wink wink).
*affiliate links used
*The prices listed are from the manufacturer websites (Amazon is always cheaper wink wink).
*affiliate links used
Is the Moby wrap yours or borrowed? If yours, could I borrow it for this go round? I'm interested in trying it for the first few months.
ReplyDeleteI had to read this in my reader, it wouldn't come up, but this was so informative.
ReplyDeleteThat first one looks all confusing and I'm pretty sure if I have a kid, that would drive me crazy with all the wrapping and hanging down.
Glad option A works so great for you guys! She looks so cute in each one!
I have heard wonderful things about the ergo. I have a moby and a baby bjorn and wasn't impressed with either. In fact I hardly ever wore my son. I think with the next one we'll invest in an ergo. Thanks for the info!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this review! I haven't heard a good comparison of these three, so it was very helpful! :)
ReplyDeletegreat review! I love the ergo too. you can also buy an infant insert for the ergo for babies under 3 months -- I've been using that for our little lady from birth :)
ReplyDeletealthough i'm not a mom, my mom used the bjorn and ergo with my little brothers and i definitely have to say the ergo wins... i carried my almost 2 year old brother around disneyland all day in it and it was great!!
ReplyDeleteps. they do have a newborn insert for the ergo so you can use it when they're newborns, they just kind of squat instead of putting their legs through
M is so cute :)
ReplyDeleteI thought the Moby was horribly awkward and confusing. I tend to get easily frustrated with stuff like that :) I've heard of people who love it for newborns though, so if I have another I might have to practice up a lot.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't like the Bjorn. It was uncomfortable for us, and for baby. Neither of our boys liked being in it. My back always hurt after using it, and I've since heard that it's not good for babies because of the position they're in. Have you heard that?
I've heard really wonderful things about the Ergo. That will definitely be my choice if/when we have another baby :)
I have a Moby wrap... no likey! I don't have the time to wrap a huge piece of cloth around me and I got confused :(
ReplyDeleteI love the ERGO, agree with you on everything, there is an infant insert though you can use. I love that the Ergo is not a crotch carrier too! & you can buy it in organic cotton & cute prints!
The Bjorn is a crotch carrier, not good for babies spines, especially not good for boys.
lOVE the Ergo! xx
omg what a perfect post for me! we have the moby and the ergo!! i just tried using the ergo except A is not able to spread legs out yet so i cradled them inside which i don't think is recommended. i haven't carried him around too much yet with it though but i like it's ease!
ReplyDeletei do want to give the moby another try tho b/c i think it's better for his age and we are going to a dinner on friday!! i'll need to learn how to wrap it!!
Thank you for taking the time to write such an awesome post!!! I love it! I don't have a baby (or even a husband yet) but I have PLENTY of pregnant friends and I will pass this link along :-)
ReplyDeletejust wanted to thank you for writing this review - and the awesome pics to illustrate!! i've been so indecisive about which to get and your blog sealed the deal. now if only i could decide which ergo to get... sport, organic, performance... black, green, blue... my mind spins... nonetheless, many many thanks for making it stop spinning momentarily.
ReplyDeleteI have the ergo carrier and I love it- so much less back pain. This is such a pretty blog- love the theme!
ReplyDeleteI am trying to decide between the bjorn and ergo and I think you just helped me decide:) thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteOh so helpful. Thank u!
ReplyDeleteOh so helpful. Thank u!