Reveling in Nashville - Part 3
Nashville isn't named The Music City for nothing! So today i'm reveling in the marvelous music scene of Nashville. Of course we get great concerts that come through town -- big names that sell out stadiums in minutes, but what I really love are the smaller venues and the number of new artists popping up around every corner. So today I will highlight one such new artist: Justin Carlson. He's popping up all over the place (including itunes). A couple weeks ago David and I went to his CD release party. We were bbbbbbb-blowwwn away!

His new album "The Breaking Light," is soulful, honest, and infectious. Not only will you be singing it to yourself in the car on the way to work, but the lyrics will get to the core of you. This guy has got talent. Check him on itunes or go ahead and stalk his facebook or myspace.
(added nashville music bonus: check out Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors {they're in the third pic with Justin}...)

one good find deserves another: